Icelandic Bind-Off Tutorial

Finished Icelandic Bind Off on blue knitting

Icelandic Bind-Off

The Icelandic Bind-Off is a relatively easy bind off to work and gives a stretchy edge. It creates a slightly rounded and bulky edge, so works quite well when used with garter stitch.

 It closely resembles the Twisted German Cast-On, so can be paired with this, if matching edges are important in your project.

Video Tutorial

Here’s a video tutorial for the Icelandic Bind-Off and for those that prefer a photo tutorial, just scroll on down.

Photo Tutorial

hands hold blue knitting and a knit stitch on right needle

1. Knit the first stitch.

hands hold blue knitting and needle inserted purlwise

2. Slip back to left-hand needle without rotating the stitch. You can leave the right-hand needle tip in at the front. If it comes out, then just re-insert the right-hand needle in this stitch purlwise. 

hands hold blue knitting

3. Whilst still in that first stitch, insert the right-hand needle into the second stitch on the needle and pull it through the first stitch. There should just be one strand on the right-hand needle at this point.

hands hold blue knitting

4. Knit this strand.

hands hold blue knitting showing an icelandic bind off

5. Take the two stitches off the left hand needle. Repeat steps 2 – 5 until all stitches have been bound off.

Finished Icelandic Bind Off on blue knitting

6. The Icelandic Bind-Off should look something like this.

hands holding twisted german cast on in blue yarn

7. Not a perfect match but it does look similar to the Twisted German Cast-On. (I do have a row of garter stitch under the cast on in this photo, so that does throw it a bit).

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