Video Tutorial: How to Use Stitch Markers with Centred-double Decreases

This is a useful technique to use with my latest pattern, Merin. Merin has a central column of centred-double decreases (CDD). As with many projects, stitch markers can help you keep track of the position of changes in pattern. However, using a stitch marker with a CDD can be tricky as the marker will constantly move into the decrease.

seafoam and purple lace and garter shawl worn bandana style by woman in a pink top

Here’s a simple trick on how to use markers with a CDD without having to constantly remove them from your knitting needle. Check out the video below.

The basic principle is to work the next stitch (whatever it may be) with the stitch marker still on the left-hand needle by working underneath the marker. Once the stitch has been completed, put your right-hand needle tip into the marker as you remove the stitch from the left-hand needle. Check out the video as it makes more sense than what I just said!